Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Behind the Wheel - Chapter 1 - 18 infinitives

 I really like parts of the "Behind the Wheel" Spanish Audible program.  The part I like teaches three expressions, then 17 infinitive, and then adds in the negative form.

Me gusta - I like
Quiero - I want
Voy a - I'm going to 

Add NO before the verb for the negative.

18 Infinitives
Cantar - to sing
Comer - to eat
Sacar  - to take out
hugar hugar
nadar - to swim
sera - to be

caminar - to walk

ver  -  to see
Dar - to give

Salir - to take out
viajar - to travel
perir - request or to order - ??

Pagar - to pay

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