Saturday, November 4, 2023

Modern Mix of Programs

I'm trying to learn Spanish as an adult learner and am struggling to find and use a credible portfolio of learning approaches. I'm hoping to get enough of a base with this that I can go do immersion in some Spanish-speaking place. Here's what I envisage. Maybe you can help me refine this? Maybe you can learn from my efforts.  I am a total beginner in Spanish with a current working vocabulary of less than a hundred words.

  1. A teacher. This was easy. Googled, went to superprof, found a nice retired lady happy to meet me at the local Panera bread for $20 an hour. She seems to know what she's doing. I also found an online instructor who is particularly fantastic. They're good but they do require planning for scheduling which I'm a little too disorganized for.
  2. A Group. I'd like a live or online group of other beginners to try to chat with. I imagine this too should be easy but I haven't found one. My local community center has both a novice and beginner conversational group but for French and nothing for Spanish. #annoying
  3. A Hands Free Audio program for when I'm driving or walking by myself.  This should not require me to look at the screen.  The key point is that it is Hands-Free.  Pimleur is heavily marketed here but I use "Behind the Wheel" which was free with my Audible credits.
  4. A program to use when I can look at the screen on my phone. This one is easy and has become my major tool. I have  Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Babel, and Mondly on my phone now and am trying to figure out the benefits and problems of each. Actually, Duolingo hooked me.
  5. A television-like program to watch which has both entertainment and educational value in terms of learning Spanish. Lingopie is the heavily marketed one. Here's Youtube videos that I'm watching. Fun because I can change the playback speed.
  6. Some super easy books in Spanish to read.
  7. Maybe a textbook to follow that will explain some of the grammar stuff. I bought Spanish for Dummies which seems to do the trick.
  8. Some interactive app to use on my Alexas. Haven't found this...
  9. Translate: Google translate app on my phone and website on my computer. I also ask Alexa how to say things.
  10. Mi esposa esposa también. Ella es la razón por la que intento aprender español, pero resulta que en realidad no es el tipo de profesora.
Does this seem like a reasonable mix?  Each one of these could fit into my day conveniently for some amount of time.  

It seems like this sort of portfolio approach provides the best mix of approaches and use of time enabling some real progress.  



Friday, November 3, 2023

More vocabulary from Katherine J

 sucio - dirty    vs   limpirio - clean

Te creo - I believe

me encanto - My love,  Love you 💓💓💓

de nuevo - new

to stay - quedae


reglas do gram

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Fonética en español

Letras Extras

Ch - chay
LL  eh-yay
Rr air-ray

Las Vocales
Ah - A
ay - E
ee - I
oh - O
uu - U

ba   be bi bo bu
c  two sounds:    ciudad (city)    carro (car)
cha che chi cho chu
da de di do du
fa    fe fi    fo fu
g  two sounds:   gigante like giant vs gato like cat
h - totally silent so jus tsay the vowels   ha he hi ho hu
j hota  ja je ji jo ju
lla lle lli llo llu  - ya ye yi yo yu

hesitate  with em, or este (like um or ah)

R - long rolled Rs
coro (choir)  va corro (fun)
caro (expensive) vs carro (car)

T - keep it short
tigre, tesoro, atar, 

Spanish D is like TH
day is sound dormir, dego, dulce

more like el lay
luz, leer, alarma, colegio, clase, ligero

Word Confusion

ser (unchangable & identity)  vs estar (temporary)  - location and mood

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Behind the Wheel - Chapter 1 - 18 infinitives

 I really like parts of the "Behind the Wheel" Spanish Audible program.  The part I like teaches three expressions, then 17 infinitive, and then adds in the negative form.

Me gusta - I like
Quiero - I want
Voy a - I'm going to 

Add NO before the verb for the negative.

18 Infinitives
Cantar - to sing
Comer - to eat
Sacar  - to take out
hugar hugar
nadar - to swim
sera - to be

caminar - to walk

ver  -  to see
Dar - to give

Salir - to take out
viajar - to travel
perir - request or to order - ??

Pagar - to pay

Monday, October 2, 2023

Video in Spanish

 Like Spanish Youtube movie - I watch is slowly, with English subtitles, and below are the new vocabulary words for me.

iEs hora de levantarse!                         - time to get up!

No puedes llegar tarde a la escuela     - You can't be late for school

iMe levantaré ahora mismo             - I'll get up right now

Has dormido bien?
iSi, dormi muy bien!  

Ahora que Clara se ha ido, por fin puedo volver a dormir en paz  - Now that, I can finally sleep in peace
Ya no tengo que tener miedo             - I no longer have to be afraid

... Y puede ir a la escuela normalmente    - and can go to school normally

No te preocupes, Carmen - no tienes que preocupes        Don't worry Carmen

He hecho tu comida favorita, Carmen

Me encantan  - I love them.  Me encanta - I love it. Las/ Los amos.  - love them m/f
mes encartaria - I would love it...


Et mi favorita con Katherine Julieth

Hola amigo, hola amiga.
Sabias que cada persona aprende de forma diferente?
Pues me encantaria ayudarte a descubrir la forma particular en la que tu vas a aprender a expresarte en espanol por que estoy segura de que tu vas a hablar espanol con naturalidad, como yo lo estoy haciendo ahora mismo. 

Permiteme presentarme, yo soy Julieth de Colombia, Bogota, asi que tienes suerte, por que mi asent en espanol es neutro y me gusta hablar despacio y pausadamente para que logres entender cade palabra. Cada palabra. 

Y soy estudiante de lenguas modernas, asi que entiendo perfectamenta los retos que se pueden presentar, las frustraciones y demas, pero te prometo que haremos aprendizaje sea algo divertido y algo ameno.  Prometo! Claro?

En particular, me guast hablar de pasatiempos, me gusta hablar de idiomas y d cultura. pero dime tu, en que tipo de conversaciones necesitas desenvolverte?

Tal vez quieres aprender a redactar un texto o mejorar tus habilidates de escucha. de tu trabajo... Solo dejame saber cual es tu objetivo y yo me encago del resto 


Estos son los videos que, basados en nuestra clase, sé que van a ser de  mucha ayuda para que cumplas tu meta de entender y hablar español muy pronto.

Fonética en español recommended by Katherina

Entiende el verbo SER y ESTAR

review YouTube video Ser vs Estar [Use "To Be" in Spanish Correctly] 💥

Friday, September 1, 2023

Saludas - Greetings

Holas, Buenas diaz, tardes, noches
Estoy feliz  - I'm happy.
Adiós, mañana, hasta luego
quiero aprender español 
hablomas español 
estoy estudiando español
 Estoy aprendiendo español

---- suggestions to: 
Vamos a jugar - play - voy a jugar ping pong...
vamos a practicar - practice 
vamos a trabajar - work
vamos a comir - Comamos
Quieres una babida - tal vez una cerveza


Q - a qué te dedicas?
A - Estoy retirado

Q - De dónde eres?
A - yo soy de Cuba

Que gusto que hayas agendado una lección conmigo.- I'm glad you scheduled a lesson with me. 
te veré en un rato, pero si tienes preguntas no... - I'll see you in a bit, but if you have questions...

Me retiré
Hoy de estados unidos
vivo en ft lauderdale

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Videos to Learn Spanish

 One of the methods that seems like it should be part of my learning mix on Spanish is watching videos. I imagine there are tons and tons of approaches here.  So I'll share what I learn here.

Google all sorts of questions about learning languages and you come across $21/month. Looks like quality but I'm not ready to sign up for a paid service yet.

Youtube. Will that work? I searched within Youtube and came across a few channels:

Language Tutor. A guy named Dr Danny Evans. It looks good in the sense of being a classic language program.  

Like Spanish. A different approach to learning Spanish. 

English Proper Nouns that Help with Spanish

 There are many words in English, especially proper nouns, that give us Spanish-learners a headstart with vocabulary. Palo Alto             ...