Tuesday, July 23, 2024

English Proper Nouns that Help with Spanish

 There are many words in English, especially proper nouns, that give us Spanish-learners a headstart with vocabulary.

Palo Alto                 Tall stick

Las Olas                    The waves
Las Angeles            The angels
Las Vegas                The meadows
Baja California        Lower California
Miramar                Ocean View     Mirar to see    mar ocean
Lago Mar            Lake by the Sea
alamo                poplar tree
Rincon                corner
Boca Raton        mouth of the rat

Florida            flowers
Nevada            Snow covered
Colorado        Red
Puerto Rico    Rich port
Contra Costa    Back coast    Back=contra
Conca County    Shell county
El Paso                The pass
Mariposa            Butterfly
Monterey            King's Hill
Presidio            Prison
Zapatos            Shoes
Victoria            victory
Bonito Springs    Beautiful
Casa Grande        Big House
Mesa Verde        Green Table

Delmar            Of the sea
Laquinta        The farm
Laplata            The silver
Asta luego        See you later (Thanks Terminator)
Real Madrid    Royal Madrid 
Athletico        athletic

Rio Grande                Big River
Rio de janeiro            River of January

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Verbos en espanol

First of all, all the verbs in Spanish end with either _er, _ar, or _ir. 100%! Pretty cool.

There are regular and irregular verbs in Spanish.

Regular verb conjugations:

AR - example hablar, cominar 
hablo hablas, habla, hablamos, hablais, hablan

ER - example leer, comer, saber
leo, tu lees, le, leemos, leeis, leen

IR - example vivir, escribir
vivo, vives, el vive, vivimos, vivis, viven

Irregular Verbos - 4 typos (teachers terms) :  Totalement irregular, zapato, sombrero, zapato y sombrero

1. Totalement - Solo 3 verbos de ce typos

Ser - To be (identity): soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son
Ir - To go - voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van
Estar - To be (everyday) - estoy, estas, esta, estamos, estais, estan 

2. Zapato - The root changes - Le raiz cambio. 4 Typos aqui:

E> IE: Querer--> quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, quereis, quieren

 O>UE: Poder-->puedo,  is "to be able to"
puedo, puedes, puede, podemos, podeis, pueden

 E>I (Pedir-->pido), is "to ask"
pido. pides, pide, pedimos, pedis, piden

U>UE (Jugar-->juego - It's the only one of these!
juego, juegas, jega, jugamos, jugais, juegan

3. Sombrero - It's only the 1st person that's irregular, often (but not always) by adding a "g":  hacer/hago, salir/salgo, estar/estoy, saber/se
saber - to know. Se, sabe, sabe, sabeos, sabeis, saben
conocer - to know (connaitre). conozco, conces, conoce, conocemos, conoceis, conocen
dar - to give. doy, das, da, amos, dameis, daman
ver - to see. veo, ves, vs, ve, vemos, vemeis, vemen
poner - to put. pongo, pones, pone, ponemos, poneis, ponen

4. Zapato y Sombrero - There's only 4!
Tener: tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, teneis, tienen
Decir: digo, dices, dice, decimos, decis, dicen
Venir: vengo, vienes, viene, venimo, venis, vienen
Oir (to see): oigo, oyes, oye, oimos, ois, oyen

This of course deals only with the present tense: Esta solo la presente, no passado, no futuro.  
Bueneas noticias: esta moy facile que francia.
I'm also still having trouble with accents on this blog. Can't seem to figure out how to type them. Google says there are several combinations for each one, it's not like in google docs where if I hold the key down, the choices appear. 

Irregular Participles - Not sure I totally get this. But there are infinitivo and then the particpio irregular.

Infinitivo                            Partipio Irregular

abrir                    to open        abierto
cubrir                cover            cubieto
escribir                to write        escrito
hacer                to make        hecho
decir                to say            dicho
morir                to die             muerto
volver                to return        vuelto
poner                to put            puesto
ver                    to see            visto

This explanation was courtesy of Cristina Ramos of Up!Idiomes, a language school in Girona en espacie.  En Girona, you estudo castellano, the word in Catalan for the Spanish language. Huh?

So, I did some googling to see what this catalan language, catalina region and movement, and use of castellano to refer to Spanish is all about... Here...

I'm studying right now in Girona which is part of Catalina.  Catalina is the northeast region of Spain that includes Barcelona which has a desire to NOT be part of Spain.

Since Franco's passing in the 1970s, they have reinstituted their own language - Catalan - as the one official language of Catalina. This means they study in Catalan, the signs are in Catalan, and all official documents must be in Catalan. For a foreigner like me who thinks he is visiting Spain and going to hear and speak some Spanish, it is very confusing.  The Catalan word for Spanish is Castellano so I'm studying Catellano (ie Spanish) in Catalan.  

BTW, there are Catalan independence flags hanging everywhere along with symbols which call for amnesty for the jailed politicians who organized the illegal  referendum on independence about a decade ago. 

What a mess the world is.  I look at this as the rich part of the country of Spain that doesn't want to be part of a country with poorer parts of Spain. Is it just a question of greed?  Other than that, I can't see what they're after. They already have control of their own identity and language.  What am I missing? Is this about more than money? 

English Proper Nouns that Help with Spanish

 There are many words in English, especially proper nouns, that give us Spanish-learners a headstart with vocabulary. Palo Alto             ...